Liam has been eating and sleeping well. It took a few days for him to really catch onto this business of breast feeding (had some trouble latching on each time and he always gets his little hands in the way), but he finally got the hang of it and I think he's starting to plump up! The photo of him sleeping here is from Friday, his one-week birthday!
After a feeding, Liam sleeps in his bassinet or in his crib without crying. This is such a new thing for us since Connor would never let us put him down to sleep when he was a baby.
We've been doing a lot of laundry too since Liam is very good at relieving himself right when we are changing his diaper! That plus the occasional diaper leak, milk spit-up (rare so far), and a few cloth diapers makes for lots and lots of laundry.
Connor has been excellent with Liam, thank goodness. He's always kissing Liam's head and petting his hair and saying "I love you, Liam". Connor decided to use his bear Keswick as his own 'baby'. He put a diaper on the bear and pretends to feed it breast milk from his own nipple! It's so cute. Here he is posing for some photos with Liam and he's all smiles.
Connor recently had a growth spurt. He looks much bigger now, his thighs and arms are much larger. I had not been lifting him up for the past month or two while pregnant, and now I feel he's SO heavy I can barely lift him up (keep in mind I am still recovering though plus I'm a weakling!). We weighed Connor yesterday and he's 32.5 pounds, which is in the 50th-75th percentile according to this percentile calculator
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