
Post-Partum Discomfort Update



I saw a chiropractor last Wednesday and she determined the problem source to be a weak core. She tested this by having me contract my transverse abdominis muscles (the lower abdomen) and then try to move my leg in the manner which I was having problems (ie I have pain when lifting the right knee to swing the leg out of the car). Sure enough, when I did this I was able to move my leg with much less pain.

The weak core led to the problem muscles working much harder than required. Additionally this meant my back was doing more work as well. So the chiropractor did some 'adjustment' to my upper spine. She also adjusted my sacroiliac joint, which she said appeared quite stable already.

This in addition to some simple exercises that strengthen the transverse abdominis appears to be doing the trick. On Thursday we were out walking for several hours and the whole time we walked I kept the transverse abdominis contracted. This made it easier to walk without pain. Today, I am better, I can walk with only slight pain but still getting sharp twisting pain in the thigh when going up and down the stairs. Hopefully this will all be a memory by next week. I have another chiropractic appointment on Wednesday.

Enjoy the pics on this post. They were taken with my iPhone and template photo effects were applied using the free app 'Instagram'. You can view all of my Instagram photos at http://instagrid.me/lulubabyobaby

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Liam's 3 Months - Milestones


Liam is now three months young, and weighs 15 lbs. It's been exciting to observe that he's reached a few of the three-month milestones: 
  • While on his tummy, he can keep his head off the floor for quite a while. 
  • He is now using his hands and his feet to swat at his toys on his bouncy chair. 
  • He is now grasping objects.
  • He has laughed out loud on occasion. This is such a joy to watch!

The new fascination with his toys means that we can leave him in his bouncy chair and it appears he is very entertained. He kicks at the toys more that uses his hands. Below are two videos, one of Liam's first time swatting at the toys in his chair. The other video shows Liam holding his head up during tummy time - and Connor being a bit naughty and I subsequently had to place him in a time-out!

Note, if you are receiving this by email, you will need to go to the website to view the video.

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Post-Partum Discomforts


Liam is almost 3 months old - no longer a newborn. He is much more aware and he 'talks', 'coos' and smiles a lot more. He has also started to laugh out loud, which is so wonderful when he does it.

My friend Amie visited last week and brought back my baby scale for me from Vancouver. So now I can weigh Liam anytime I want. Liam now weighs 14 lbs. What a heavyweight!  It's great but also adds to my health issues.

My right leg/hip hurts when I walk, especially if I am carrying extra weight or going up or down stairs. My physiotherapist says it is instability at the sacroiliac joint (side effect of pregnancy, the joint relaxes or is sprained during delivery). Because the joint has too much movement, other muscles are trying to take up the slack. I've had this problem since a week after giving birth to Liam. So I cannot run or easily go up or down stairs or do any exercise.

I've also got carpal tunnel in both hands, and also plantar fasciitis in both feet - I had both these conditions with Connor as well. Plantar fasciitis causes pain in both feet when walking, especially upon waking in the morning.  I'm just falling apart!

I need to try harder to do all the prescribed physio exercises to get better. I've been doing them but I also seem to keep aggravating the SI joint every other week.

Connor loves being a big brother!
He loves Liam's soft hair and skin.

With my friend Amie, visiting from Vancouver


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