
Connor's progress on solid foods


Connor enjoying meal time (Feb.7, 2009)
Connor has been doing quite well with his solids. He usually has a good appetite for it. I feed him three times a day (morning, lunch, dinner) and yes he is still nursing the same as before. The solids are not meant to replace breast milk at this point; baby is supposed to be learning how to eat solids and getting used to the textures. Connor definitely prefers the sweet foods for now (breast milk is sweet, too). It's funny watching his expressions as he tries different foods.

If you are eating as you read this, you better read the rest of this post later. That's because I wanted to mention now about the new poopy that we have to deal with! Boy is it ever a sticky, yucky mess. (I WARNED YA!). Not only is it sticky like peanut butter, but super stinky. This new poopy is giving me quite a challenge with the cloth diapering - so far, I only had to wash it off the cloth diaper once (and Po Po helped me with that in the end!). I've read that you should "spray it into the toilet" (you can actually purchase a sprayer that attaches to a toilet). I tried spraying it into the laundry sink and it didn't work out well at all. Ick. Afterwards I remembered I had purchased a disposable liner for the cloth diapers, so I have been doing that. It worked well the one other time Connor actually pooped into the cloth diaper. Every other time so far I have been lucky he happened to be wearing a disposable.

Connor seemed to be having some constipation, but he's gone #2 once yesterday as well as today so his body must be getting used to processing it now.



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