Boy, it sure took a lot longer than I thought it would to set up a blog. Well, I did have to wait for Mom to buy and install a voice-recognition software called Dragon Naturally Speaking version 10. The software lets her dictate words to the computer so that while she is holding me she can blog for me and also write e-mails hands-free! So far, she says it is working perfectly! She tried using a couple of shareware apps that use the Microsoft voice-recognition engine was "a piece of crap, it didn't recognize a single word!".
Today am beginning week eight of my life. I had a few "firsts" today. I may have had my first tantrum -- I wasn't sucking on Mom's nipple properly so she decided not to let me have it anymore. So I screamed and cried and screamed some more until my face turned red and almost purple. Even when she gave up to my little tantrum, and tried to give it back to me, I wouldn't have it. Nope she made me upset and I wasn't not going to be easily pacified.
Oh, did you notice my name is Laughlin The Fierce? When I don't get what I want, I just start screaming as loud as I can. And then the adults have to guess what the problem is -- dirty diaper? Want food? Want to sleep? The past two weeks, sometimes it's none of these. I think I'm just having a growth spurt. I weighed in yesterday at 11 lbs. 2 oz. They say I'm "growing like a weed". Read more on growth spurts: http://www.parents.com/baby/development/physical/growing-baby/
Another "first" I had today was while sitting upright and leaning forward, I turned my head left and right. She also thinks I was trying to talk and was more socially engaged. It all seemed to impress Mom!
And last week Mom finally noticed that my belly button was sticking out a lot when I am crying. It turns out that I have an umbilical hernia -- no worries though, it sounds worse than it is. Here's a some info on this condition: http://www.karrifamilyclinic.com.sg/2007/07/help-doc-my-babys-belly-button-sticks.html. We went to the doctor yesterday she said my hernia didn't look that bad, and she was even able to press my belly button back in. It pops back up, but Mom felt much better seeing that was able to pop back in.
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