Connor is becoming quite the chunky monkey! His thighs are 10" around - check out the photo below and look at his legs! We also started cloth diapering this week (not exclusively though, we are still using disposables through the night and as necessary. In the photo below he is wearing one of his cloth diapers). Connor can now be on his tummy without much fuss, and he will turn over from that position most of the time as well.
Connor's legs have always been a bit rough all over, but lately they started getting really dry and I think they were starting to chap as part of his thigh was getting reddish. It is strange why only his legs are like this, and I was worrying that it may be eczema. To try to address his skin problem I tried Aveeno Soothing Relief Moisture Cream, which claims it works for "infants or babies with extra dry, itchy skin, even dry skin from eczema." Amazingly, there appeared to be improvement the very next day, and now we are on day three and parts of his legs are feeling baby soft again!
Connor is becoming quite the chunky monkey! His thighs are 10" around - check out the photo below and look at his legs! We also started cloth diapering this week (not exclusively though, we are still using disposables through the night and as necessary. In the photo below he is wearing one of his cloth diapers). Connor can now be on his tummy without much fuss, and he will turn over from that position most of the time as well.
Connor's legs have always been a bit rough all over, but lately they started getting really dry and I think they were starting to chap as part of his thigh was getting reddish. It is strange why only his legs are like this, and I was worrying that it may be eczema. To try to address his skin problem I tried Aveeno Soothing Relief Moisture Cream, which claims it works for "infants or babies with extra dry, itchy skin, even dry skin from eczema." Amazingly, there appeared to be improvement the very next day, and now we are on day three and parts of his legs are feeling baby soft again!
Last week Connor sucked on his lower lip a lot - don't know why! He looks so cute doing that though, ha ha. Here he is doing that!

Connor has not been sleeping early anymore. Lately he won't fall asleep until 10:30 PM, and will sleep until about 8:30 AM (with a few feedings in between). He is still sleeping in our bed, so the feedings are not a problem for me. And Connor basically gets up when I get up. I wonder if his late sleeping is because we don't usually sleep until that time as well. I am still reading up on this matter of sleep - who knew that it would be such a big issue to deal with! At this point I want to continue co-sleeping with Connor because it is easier for me, but also according to "attachment parenting" advocates (a term coined by Dr. William Sears, a famous present-day pediatrician and author; very anti-Ferber), a much better bond and trust is formed with the baby. Attachment parenting stresses the importance of being with your baby through methods such as co-sleeping and baby wearing. Basically we have been "attachment parenting" without knowing it!

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