
Little Brother Arrives!


We are so very happy to announce our new addition, Liam Allen!

Born: Feb. 24, 2012, 12:30 EST

Weight: 3610 grams (7.95 lbs)
Length: 53 cm
Hair: Light brown

Connor was just 6.04 lbs delivered by C-section, so Liam is a bit bigger but Liam had the benefit of being inside mommy for a couple of extra weeks.

I am so pleased that I was able to have a successful VBAC (vaginal birth after Caesarean). It means I was able to be on my feet pretty much right away. Not that there isn't other pains to go with a natural birth, but definitely way better than the pain of recovery from a C-section.

Here are some pics of Liam's first few days of life!

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It's fun to be 3 years old!


Yes oh yes to be 3 years old again!  Connor has lots of fun flying through the air as an airplane with Daddy - see the video. Connor also loves jumping on us (which annoys me to no end right now, with my big tummy!) and loves piggy-back rides.  

He also loves - and is pretty good at - playing with 'big boys' Lego these days! Linds started buying sets for ages 4, 5 and even 6 years old for Connor (and for himself too, he says!).  Well, some of these sets actually Connor picked them out himself at the Lego Store, it's not that Linds actually picked out the ones for 6-years old. Connor picks the ones that are police vehicles, helicoptors, and I know he wants to get one that's the entire police station / jail but of course that would bankrupt us :). The picture of the Lego vehicle here is one that Connor built himself! Just goes to prove that you never know what children are capable of. There's also a video below of Connor and his Daddy playing with Lego, although in this video Connor is mostly just singing and Daddy is the one creating a Lego boat.

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Connor's New Wall Decor


Connor and I put this wall decor up this morning. It's a stick-on that I bought from eBay for about $10. Connor picked the design himself. He stuck on all the pieces except for the track, which is a growth chart.

He measured in at 95cm! He is still the shortest in all his classes.

He is also holding Lego in his hands. His Dad helped him make a Wall-E. Lego (not Duplo) is his new favourite toy. Connor is very creative with it too -- more on that another day.

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Baby bump from week 36


An early morning pic of me and The Bump two weeks ago, week 36.
It's been a bit rough. I've been wearing a maternity belt and can't walk much without pain (round ligament pains - soreness, bruise-like pain in the lower regions). I am lucky to be able to work from home since Christmas.

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Hoping to be back blogging


After a long absence from blogging here, we might just be back!

So much has changed in one year. We moved across Canada to Toronto, Ontario in June 2011. In August, sadly our beloved Gung Gung passed away from cancer. And through these major events, I have been pregnant with Baby Boy #2, due Feb. 25!!

As you can imagine these events have kept me a little busy. But the main reason I may be back posting is because my Mom has a link to this site on my Dad's old laptop, so she asked me to post pics and videos here. She cannot really navigate Facebook.

So here we are... Starting with this little video of Connor writing! This was in late December, we were at Boston Pizza. Sorry for the ugly black sides, it was videoed using iPhone in portrait.

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