
Little Brother Arrives!


We are so very happy to announce our new addition, Liam Allen!

Born: Feb. 24, 2012, 12:30 EST

Weight: 3610 grams (7.95 lbs)
Length: 53 cm
Hair: Light brown

Connor was just 6.04 lbs delivered by C-section, so Liam is a bit bigger but Liam had the benefit of being inside mommy for a couple of extra weeks.

I am so pleased that I was able to have a successful VBAC (vaginal birth after Caesarean). It means I was able to be on my feet pretty much right away. Not that there isn't other pains to go with a natural birth, but definitely way better than the pain of recovery from a C-section.

Here are some pics of Liam's first few days of life!



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