
I want to be included too!


In the past few days I've been more aware of my surroundings - I like to sit facing out on people's laps and see what's going on - hey, I am part of the family too and I like to be included! On Saturday Daddy's friend Jo Jo came over and I insisted on sitting at the table for dinner with them. I had to cry and cry and cry before Mommy and Daddy finally understood that was what I wanted!

I am also trying hard to talk to Mommy and Daddy. But all that's coming out are coos and googles! Although I can come close to saying "hi" back to them! Here's a video Mommy made of me today trying to talk to her!

Yesterday Mommy also tried to pose me for some 'model' shots yesterday. Needs some work, what do you think?


Anonymous said...

Hi Connor, this is your Aunt Emily. I can't wait to visit with you next week.

Laughlin the Fierce said...

Hi Auntie Emily, I can't wait to see you too!

Grandpa said...


阿公& 阿婆


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