Today marks 2 Months, 22 days of interrupted sleep.
To my surprise, today Connor was very engaged with the teddy mobile that came with his playpen, the one we have downstairs at Po Po's place that Uncle Andrew and Auntie Cindy bought Connor. I was surprised because from what I've read, babies are supposed to be most interested in high contrast coloured things - so you will see very colourful mobiles from "developmental" toy makers like Tiny Love and Baby Einstein, in bright primary colours or black and white.
See Connor here cooing at the mobile... saying "hi"...
Yesterday Po Po took care of Connor while I ran an errand. Po Po put Connor in the Mei Tai and then vacuumed the house and washed the dishes!! Thank goodness for Po Po!
Here she is with Connor in the Mei Tai...

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Good for people to know.
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