So Mommy thinks she has my crying and sleeping habits figured out? Ha ha not quite yet, I don't think so! That bit about falling to sleep by myself was just that one time for now! I made her hold and rock me to sleep the rest of the morning. I also like to have light patting on my bum-bum to fall asleep. When she puts me down in my co-sleeper she tries to trick me by holding me all the way down into the sleeper and keeping her face next to my face, or putting her hand on my chest and patting me. OK sometimes this works but most of the time it doesn't :D
Mommy did remind me over the past two days on how to suck on my hand - so no pacifier required! (She didn't let me use a pacifier until my 4th week because she was afraid I would forget how to nurse. So now I can't keep a pacifier in my mouth, I need someone to hold it there for me.) Here's a little video of me sucking on my fingers today.
She tried to get me to pose for shots again on the weekend. Here are a few of them - guess I wasn't too happy about it...

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