
Sleepyhead Liam


Liam had his second weigh-in at the doctor yesterday and he is doing well. Last weigh-in he was 7lb 12oz, and yesterday he was 8lb 3oz which according to the doctor is right on track - she even predicted that, if he gained accordingly (1oz a day, I think she said).

Here is a video from March 4th of Liam being very sleepy and I'm trying to wake him up. This little guy is a GOOD sleeper. No complaints there, but I do have to wake him up to feed every 2-3 hours to keep the milk supply up (the body produces as much as is needed). Note how his legs are crossed and one arm is again near his head. I think this must have been his regular position when he was inside me, as every ultrasound I saw did have one hand near his face and it would make sense that his legs are crossed when he was all curled up inside me.



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