Teresa invited me to go to a kids' swap meet on Sunday. Anyone can rent a table at these swap meets and sell their kids stuff.
I had been scanning Craigslist for a cheap exersaucer - These things go for waaay too much money brand new, from $60 to $130! So I was very please to have picked up an older exersaucer for $10 at the swap meet.
Connor is liking it so far, except for one of the attachments... check out the video...
Here he is sitting in the exersaucer in an outfit that I got for $2 at the swap meet. I know he doesn't look too happy here but he was tired that morning...
In general there was hardly any baby boys' clothing compared to girls clothing at the swap meet. I did luck out with two Baby Einstein DVDs for $2 each! They retail for $16.99 and usually resold used for at least $5-$10 each. Teresa made out like a bandit - paid $30 for a box full of nice baby girl clothes and almost ten pairs of baby girl shoes!
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