
Baby wearing


Linds finally tried using the Hotsling to carry Connor. It's known as "baby wearing". Below is a pics of Linds wearing baby Connor this weekend, aren't they cute! Connor is 3 weeks, 2 days old in the photos (Nov. 8/08).

I have a few different carriers. The first one that I bought was a Hotsling. I use it when I want a quick way of wearing Connor around the house. This method is not totally hands-free - the sling doesn't hold Connor by itself. I could place him into it like a 'cradle' way but Connor doesn't like it. This sling cost me $50.

I also have the Baby Bjorn, which is just the best carrier, I have to say. I have an older model for $20 from a Craigslister, it works great - this carrier retails for $118. I have a Safety 1st carrier that I received as part of a "$30 baby boy clothes lot", and Connor cannot even fit into it, not sure if I am doing something wrong there. I also paid almost full price for a Belle carrier (retails $89.95+), because I was looking for a lighter weight carrier and places some of the support on the hips. The Belle one is nice looking (lots of press on celebrities using it) and comfortable but not that easy/quick to put on. The Baby Bjorn is in two pieces which makes it convenient to put on or take off.

I was searching for another carrier that could be used as a backpack style, and just purchased one online. The Baby Trekker can be used backpack style as well as forward facing and for nursing too. I got it from GoneShopping.ca, they have it for $109 - which is less than the $150 the Baby Trekker website sells it for.

A lot of money spent on carriers, but I think it is worth the investment - it is so nice for both the baby and the wearer to be so close and comfortable. Plus I can recoup some costs by reselling them when I am done with them.

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