
Grandparents Visit from Toronto


My Dad's parents are visiting us this week; they arrived close to midnight yesterday. The look on "Yeh Yeh" (Grandpa on Dad's side) and "Mah Mah's" (Grandma on Dad's side) faces when they saw me was priceless. Mom was very happy to see them so happy.

Yeh Yeh is a big guy, and when he holds me I fall asleep just like that, it's so comfy! That's him in the pic at the left. This morning Yeh Yeh, Mah Mah, Mom and I went out for a walk around the neighbourhood. I was strapped in to Mah Mah using the Baby Bjorn carrier that Mom bought for $20 from a Craiglister. Yeh Yeh walked Oscar (the Yorkshire Terrier). It was a beautiful Vancouver morning, blue skies and the temperature was perfect.

My Mom took me to a "Mom and Baby" fitness class (www.fit4two.ca). She did all the aerobic work while I just lay there and watched, ha ha. I lasted about 20 minutes before I decided I needed to be held. When we came home I was crying again because I couldn't fall back asleep. As soon as Yeh Yeh held me, I was pretty much asleep! Cool.



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