
Teeth? And a major sleeping progress!


I touched Connor's top and bottom gums, and the top gums definitely feel less soft than the bottom ones. Also the top gums look more defined - here is a photo, what do you think?

Also yesterday marked a MAJOR sleeping development for Connor: he fell asleep for nap during the day by himself in his co-sleeper! He was doing a fussy crying but not the crazy screaming cry. So I decided to put him down. He would cry with his eyes closed for a minute or two, then stop and gnawed at his hand, then cried another minute, or two then gnawed, and I watched this about 3 times and decided to leave the room. A few minutes after that the crying had stopped and he was asleep!

And just now at 9:30 AM, we were back from our walk earlier and Connor usually wants to go back to sleep. He was crying for a while and I was able to sooth him to stop crying; then I lay him down on his co-sleeper while he was still awake and left the room. I heard him cry about 5 minutes later, but then he stopped crying. It is now 10:00 AM, and I just checked, yes he is asleep!
So this whole sleeping exercise took a bit longer than the 3 days that the Baby Whisperer said it would - I started this process around Sept. 24, so it's almost been one month. But we are definitely making progress!

Note though... Connor is still sleeping in our bed at night. That is another hurdle we still need to go through. Whoops and now Connor is crying again - I think I woke him up by checking in on him :(



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